Peripheral Neuropathy
We help improve circulation and blood flow to your affected limbs to recude the discomfort of peripheral neuropathy. Our all-natural approach to increasing circulation, decreasing numbness and eliminating pain. We help our patients enhance their body's own ability to heal, naturally. Our approach works with you, creating and individualized treatment to help you feel better.

Your body is wise. We help remind it that good blood flow and circulation are more efficient and less painful, and possible again.
Just as we are all individuals, so is the journey to optimal health. Neuropathy has different causes for different people. Our holistic methods look at the person and the root cause, and we treat the big picture. The goal is always improved circulation, but getting to the bottom of what is causing the problem helps lay the foundation for long term health and pain free arms and legs. Our techniques remind the body that healing is a more efficient method of operating and that living with a healthy circulatory system takes less energy.
Why our natural neuropathy treatment works so well:
We keep it simple
Complicated doesn't always mean more sophisticated, or better. Sometimes it's the simple approach that gets the biggest result. We work to identify the clearest treatments for your pattern of neuropathy and go from there. These treatments may include acupuncture, herbal supplements, and simple, doable lifestyle tweaks to help your circulation, naturally.
We remind your body how
to live in balance
Bodies are wise—they want to be efficient. We identify exactly where the imbalances lie and systematically work to address them. No matter what your neuropathy is caused by, we work to provide natural solutions.
We use a proven system that has been treating nerve pain and numbness successfully and naturally for centuries
We work on healing your body, at the deepest levels, with acupuncture, herbal supplements and simple lifestyle recommendations, to show your body the way back into balance. Your body wants to be healthy, balanced and thriving. We remind it how to get there, and give you simple steps to keep it there.
We focus on how you feel, not just lab reports and protocols
We focus on how you feel. Your body is not a machine, it is a container for your lovely human self. When you feel vibrant, balanced, and relaxed, healthy nerve conduction occurs naturally. We treat the whole person, not just the numbers.
We get to the root of what is causing your neuropathy
We work on identifying exactly why your body is out of balance, and then we simply and steadily bring it back into balance, promoting circulation and nerve health. We are also happy to work with your Western medical team to improve outcomes.
Our approach always includes simple lifestyle recommendationsto promote healthy
nerve conduction
We meet each patient where they are at in their health journey, and give appropriate recommendations based upon that. Sometimes it’s a simple meditation break. Sometimes it’s a doable lifestyle tweak. Sometimes it’s dietary adjustments. Sometimes it’s focus on getting a little more sleep. Our goal is for you to feel good in your body and your life, and we provide tools to get you there faster.
We work with you to find the best combination for your unique condition. Here’s how our specialized combination of four powerful, time-tested, 100% natural therapies work to heal your neuropathy and remind your body how to live in health.
We help people with neuropathy due to:
Medication Side Effects
Nerve Impingement
Exposure to Toxins
Vitamin Deficiencies
Poor Circulation
Carpal Tunnel
Disc Issues
Multiple Sclerosis
*Individual results may vary. There is no guarantee of specific results and, warranted or implied, and individual results depend on several factors. Full disclaimer here.
Schedule a free 15 minute consultation with us to learn how you can feel better in your body!
*Individual results may vary. There is no guarantee of specific results and, warranted or implied, and individual results depend on several factors. Full disclaimer here.